KSNA Annual Conference


June 13 - 15, 2022



Central Bank Center
430 W. Vine St., Lexington, KY 40507

Back to the Future…..Getting BACK was only the beginning…….

Back to the Future-refers to the time when one has to stop (over) thinking about the things they could, or not, have done in the past so that what happened wouldn't have happened.

Do not dwell on the past! The past has been written with ink...the future in pencil.

So sharpen your pencils and roll right into the multiple educational sessions that will span across the professional standards of nutrition, operations, administration and communications/marketing.

Here are just a few of the many topics that will prepare you to travel back into the next school year……NSLP program updates, meal patterns, meal planning, gluten-free diets, food hubs, USDA foods best practices, maximizing USDA entitlement funds, production records, proper cooking methods, strategies for new managers, training for new directors, work schedules, staff evaluations, statewide POS system eligibility processes, maximize Munis resources, compliance reviews, KSNA/SNA membership options & resources, local Wellness Policy plan & requirements, state nutrition and physical activity assessments.

Agenda | Hotel Reservations | Biometric Screening | SNS Credentialing


Biometric Screening:
Biometric Screening will be offered at the Annual Conference on
Tuesday, June 14th from 7:00 am to 10:30 am.
Room to be Announced.
Participants must fast before participating. 
This will fulfill your LivingWell Promise for your Health Insurance.
Click here to sign up - Walk-ins Welcome
Questions? Contact Stephanie Utley at [email protected]


SNS Credentialing:

Registration Deadline: May 22, 2022 | Exam Date: June 12, 2022

 SNS Credentialing HandbookSNS Exam Locations 

SNA established the School Nutrition Specialist (SNS) Credentialing Program in 1997 to enhance the professional image of school nutrition professionals, elevate professional standards and enhance individual performance.

The SNS Credential is a mark of excellence and achievement that reflects what it takes to manage school nutrition programs in today’s challenging climate. The SNS Credentialing Exam evaluates candidates’ knowledge and skills required to perform specific job activities related to managing or directing school nutrition programs.


Hotel Information:

Hyatt Regency Downtown Lexington 
(For call in reservations, 800.233.1234 and ask for code G—SNS2)



Cancellation Policy:
Cancellations will be accepted until 4 PM Eastern on June 1st. No refunds after that time. You may transfer your registration to another KSNA member, deadline for transfers will be June 8th 4 PM Eastern. Please call the KSNA office if you have any questions 330.273.5756